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1) Give six behaviours which can be considered as offensive in a conversation while speaking.



2) Give the meaning for every stress in each of the word given:


        2.1. I don’t think you can be a doctor.


                a.) I =


                b.) Don’t =


                c.) Think =


                d.) You =


                e.) Be =


                f.) A doctor =



         2.2. I won’t see you again for the rest of my life.


                a.) I =


                b.) Won’t =


                c.) See =


                d.) You =


                e.) again =


                f.) the rest


                h.) Of my life =



3) Fill in the blanks with the 5 elements of speech communication based on the notes.



4) Based on the video given in the notes, fill in the blanks with appropriate answers.

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Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris,

35900 Tanjong Malim,

Perak Darul Ridzuan.


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