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What is writing skills?



Writing can be defined as the act of someone or something that writes, while skills can be defined as the ability that comes from experience and practice. Thus, writing skills can be defined as the ability to write excellently.



Is writing and talking the same?


When we are talking, we make a lot of points. For example, you might say, "It's not safe to walk alone at night".


People would not ask you to give your reasons for your point. They might know what you are talking about, or  they might already agree with your statement. They do not always ask the big question of "WHY?".


When we are writing, people might not know us, or agree with the points that you made, or even understand what you are talking about. That is why it is very important for you to communicate effectively with your readers - by providing solid examples and concrete evidence to support your point.



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Perak Darul Ridzuan.


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