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Listening Exercises










Entitle KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON. Answer each of your questions based on this audio. Listen carefully. Good luck!

  1. He turns on the radio. The radio presenter __________ and plays _________.

  2. Kevin travels to work by train. Today, there are _________. And the train is late.

  3. They carry on reading their newspaper. They carry on __________.

  4. Eventually, the train moves a little bit, then it stops again. It carries on like this, __________– until it reaches the main station.

  5. __________ has begun!

  6. I have used “carry on” several times in this story, and I hope you can now understand what it means. It means “__________”.

  7. The posters appeared on billboards, and in shop windows and railway stations and places like that. They tried to __________ people in the face of bombing raids, food rationing and other hardships.

  8. The poster said simply, “Keep calm and carry on”. In other words, __________– go to work, look after your families, and so on.

  9. Since it was rediscovered, the poster has become __________.

  10.  We have so many problems today – economic crisis, __________ and __________ in many parts of the world. What can we do? Keep calm and carry on!







Entitle CAMPUS LIFE. Answer each of your questions based on this audio. Listen carefully. Good luck!


  1. Except, that this one looks brighter, and more airy, and it comes with kitchen cabinet and __________.

    1. Rest room

    2. Built in cupboards

    3. Toilet

    4. Store

  2. This neighbourhood seems __________ and _________. And if I may say so, safer.

    1. More restful and targeted

    2. More cheerful and noisy

    3. More orderly and less noisy

    4. More compact and orderly

  3. Yes, and I noticed the houses here are _________. What’s more that the LRT Station is within walking distance.

    1. Much neater

    2. Much nearer

    3. Much polluted

    4. Much further

  4. Furthermore, I think there is more than __________ here that passes our campus.

    1. Three buses

    2. Two buses

    3. Five buses

    4. One bus

  5. The basic terms are 3 months rental, 2 for advance upon signing contract, Rm200 deposit for amenities, rental to be paid by the __________ of the following month.

    1. The second week of the following month

    2. The fifth week of the following month

    3. The first week of the following month

    4. The fourth week of the following month

  6. The master bed room comes with attached bathroom. I supposed, whoever takes it, will have to pay a __________ of the rental.

    1. Biggest portion

    2. Bigger portion

    3. Smaller portion

    4. Medium portion

  7. Wait till you hear what my roommate does. She brings her boyfriend to our place! No __________, no boyfriends.

    1. Loud sound

    2. Loud player

    3. Loud voice

    4. Loud music

  8. I was shocked to see a __________ of hair on my hair brush this morning. Let’s cook ourselves.

    1. A bouquet of rose

    2. A bunch of bananas

    3. A bunch of hair

    4. A bunch of people

  9. I think I’m beginning to like this place already. Shall we go and see the landlady about the __________ now?

    1. Commercial

    2. Contract

    3. Conduct

    4. Concise








Now you will listen to a talk entitled; don’t be stress out. Write your answer based on this audio. Listen carefully!

  1. Pamela L was rushed to the emergency ward for __________ after her boyfriend of several year broke up with her.

  2. Let’s face it. In college, you are going to face stress. How much? Depends on your __________.

  3. But not all stress are study related. Stress can be caused by bad relationships, loneliness, or a __________.

  4. But most physiatrist would agree that too much stress at one given time can __________ one even someone who may be otherwise of sound mind.

  5. Feelings can be another warning sign. The person loses control over his or her emotions, and __________ in the inappropriate moments.

  6. Self-blame, and self-condemnations, __________ and fear of failure are some other are some other symptoms.   

  7. For instance, one person may work better with loud music, whereas another may find it __________.

  8. __________ is a good skill to master if you want to make our campus life happy for the next four years.

  9. Focus on trees and green fields. Medical experts believes that the colour green has a way of __________ grained nerves.

  10. Sure, enjoy yourself by all in all means but put your ­__________. Do not procrastinate.



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